• 27 July 2024
11 Types Of Tutors

11 Types Of Tutors

Jun 08, 2017

Whether you’re an aspiring tutor or a parent looking, here are 11 types of tutors and their definitions.

Perhaps you’ve been thinking about becoming a tutor to assist others with skills you’re proficient in (and make some extra cash on the side). Or you may want to learn more about the different types of tutors available to you or your child. Whether you’re looking for help or you’re interested in becoming a tutor yourself, the word “tutor” often brings to mind a person who has expertise in a specific subject when in reality there are many different types and it’s helpful to know which are available. Here are eleven types of tutors and their definitions:

  1. Subject Tutors work with students in a specialized academic subject that they have expertise in. Generally, these tutors will engage with clients who are in high school and above due to their extensive proficiency in a specific area, whereas younger students often have a more generalized curriculum and won’t yet need a tutor with such specialized knowledge. Due to their subject mastery, these tutors will generally charge higher rates than more broad-topic tutors.
  • General Education Tutors provide overall coaching on practical skills to enhance learning. Examples of these skills include time management, studying skills, and stress reduction, among others. They also work with students on general academic categories such as performance in school and class interaction. This type of tutoring is available across all ages but is especially popular with younger students who need to practice generalized learning skills.

  • Test Prep Tutors assist students in exam preparation. The most popular test prep categories are the SAT and ACT for high school students, but there are also tutors who specialize in other test prep, such as foreign entrance exams, higher education exams such as the GMAT and MCAT, and even test-taking methods and techniques more generally. Sessions will typically include test material review but will also go over useful techniques to employ when taking the exam. In general, these tutors will only work with students over the course of studying for the exam at hand and, because the engagement is typically shorter-term, rates may be on the higher end.

  • Admissions and Application Tutors help students who are looking to apply to colleges, programs, or other types of schools. They can be extremely helpful for a variety of reasons, from assisting students with admissions essay grammar to brainstorming strong essay topics. The college application process can also be unfamiliar for foreign students who aren’t used to the format type, and application tutors can certainly help in that regard.

  • Language and ESL Tutors focus specifically on teaching languages. Whether a student is in the initial stages of learning a language or in more advanced levels, these tutors can be invaluable in teaching grammar, vocabulary, and other language-related topics. ESL tutors specifically work with non-native English speakers in language, but also in a variety of other subjects.

  • Learning Disability Tutors specialize in assisting students with special needs. These tutors are trained on how to most effectively teach students with a variety of learning disabilities. Some of the more common learning disabilities that tutors can assist with include dyslexia, ADHD, autism, and processing deficits, but you can generally find tutors who specialize in much more. Working with a tutor who is proficient in a specific learning disability can be invaluable in helping to advance a student’s learning.

  • Homework Help Tutors are often hired to assist students in homework completion. These educators don’t necessarily only focus on a single subject but can work with students on many. They are extremely helpful for students who have a hard time keeping on track with homework and can also teach helpful homework skills such as time management.

  • Group Tutors work with students in groups who are all learning the same subject matter. They often have a lower hourly rate because they work with multiple students at one time and usually hold sessions at a public location, such as a library or coffee shop. You can often find group tutors through the student’s school itself (especially if they’re in college) as sessions frequently focus on a specific class curriculum.

  • Student/Peer Tutors are students themselves, and can be incredibly helpful as they have often taken the specific course that the student needs assistance with. They are frequently familiar with the syllabus and the assignments and are a fantastic resource as they are often knowledgeable about the subject. They also typically charge lower rates due to their experience.

  • Pre-K Tutors work with very young children who are just getting started with their schooling. In general, topics they assist with are more practical than academic and they concentrate focus on building foundational skills. Examples include phonetics, social skills, basic problem solving, and fundamental grammar, among others.

  • Tech and Coding Tutors have been steadily increasing in popularity as programming studies become more common. These tutors are well versed in coding languages such as Javascript, Python, Ruby on Rails, and more, and are helpful for students who are looking for a mentor as they navigate the world of development.

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