• 14 February 2025
A Summer Reading List To Elevate Your Tutoring Skills

A Summer Reading List To Elevate Your Tutoring Skills

May 05, 2017

Four books tutors should read this summer to take your sessions to the next level.

Summer reading lists shouldn’t be restricted to students alone. As a tutor, you can — and should — take advantage of the school break, too. Whether you’re a seasoned pro or just starting out as a new educator, it’s never a bad idea to read up on ideas from the experts, and what better time to settle in with a book than the lazier summer months? Here are 4 books to read in the off-season if your goal is to turn up your tutoring game to the next level.

1. For the new tutor who has questions

It’s not uncommon to browse through the FAQ when questions come up and the same concept often applies with regards to tutoring. That’s why Adrianne Meldrum’s The Novice Tutor: Answers to Your Questions about Running a Successful Tutoring Business is so helpful. Meldrum’s book explores a broad range of topics that all educators encounter. Her book not only acts as a valuable guide to navigating sessions but also goes through logistical components on the business side. If you’re looking for assistance with matters such as setting appropriate fees, ideas for advertising and how to help yourself stand out in a market with many educators, The Novice Tutor is an excellent read. Even if you’re a veteran, this book is always a great reference to have on your bookshelf.

2. For the tutor looking to increase motivation levels

As most seasoned tutors know, it’s crucial to inspire motivation in your students. It’s also important to self-reflect on your own drive — could it be higher? If you feel that one should always be looking for ways to improve oneself, spend some time reading Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us. Author Daniel Pink peels back the layers on human motivation and uniquely suggests that motivation is not driven by reward, but by the inherent desire to create and self-improve. Drive is an especially excellent choice for tutors who are looking to make changes in techniques in order to maximize effectiveness during sessions with less easily stimulated students.

3. For the tutor who wants to combat student distraction

If you find your students having a hard time with distraction and disorganization during your sessions, That Crumpled Paper Was Due Last Week is an ideal book to add to your list. Ana Homayoun explores many frequent reasons behind lack-of-focus and provides a framework to help you identify these reasons in your students. Homayoun suggests methods for getting back on track and discusses effective techniques to assist students in identifying their own obstacles and setting personal goals. Note, however, that Homayoun’s book is written specifically for educators who are working with male students (although many say it applies flawlessly to female students as well.) Regardless, this is a wonderful read for anyone who is looking to increase student focus.

4. For the tutor who wants to be a better businessperson

It is widely believed that personal improvement is often what turns out to be the most effective strategy in upward career trajectory. If you haven’t read this inspiring and well-known classic already, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Powerful Lessons in Personal Change is a must-read this summer. Author Stephen Covey’s book is widely known and frequently recommended because it’s relatable to people from all walks of life. Even if you can’t think of anything you wish to specifically self-improve upon right now, you’re certain to find Covey’s concepts applicable to your life in one way or another. This book is a staple for entrepreneurs and businesspeople across many different sectors and should absolutely be a staple in your collection if you’re looking to improve your business skills.

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