• 27 July 2024
Are you a classroom teacher struggling to make ends meet?

Are you a classroom teacher struggling to make ends meet?

May 17, 2019

If you work as an educator, chances are you didn’t get into the profession to get rich. But teaching is a job as much as it’s a vocation, and the unfortunate reality is that many teachers just aren’t earning enough to make ends meet.

This, combined with the fact that the pay gap for educators is only getting worse—teachers in the US make an average of 79 cents on the dollar compared to other professionals with similar levels of education and experience—is pushing many educators out of the career that they love.

In the United States, teacher churn is at an all-time high. Teachers are leaving the classroom and trying to enter different fields, and they can hardly be blamed. Sadly, this means that not only are those individuals being forced to walk away from jobs that they care about and are trained to do, schools and communities around the country are suffering due to a shortage of educators.

But abandoning teaching isn’t the only option. As an educator, you can grow your career, earn enough to be comfortable, and continue working with students—it might just mean considering a slightly different career path.

Teachers teach because they’re passionate about teaching, but they shouldn’t have to be a martyr for the cause. You don’t have to sacrifice financial security and personal career growth to stay in education. If you’re struggling to get by on a teacher’s salary, making the switch from classroom teacher to self-employed tutor might be the answer.

Stay an educator! Don’t give up what you’re passionate about and good at. You can work with students, make a difference, and still have a rewarding career—with the pay that you deserve. And with Clark Build, getting started on the next chapter of your career as an educator is even easier than you might think.

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