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Coding Tutors Needed

Coding Tutors Needed

Dec 06, 2017

Computer Science education in schools is about to dramatically expand, making the opportunity for tutors who can code the next big thing in tutoring.

Eight states, 76 school districts and 102 organizations worldwide have pledged to expand computer science education according to Ed Surge. This movement is not only rooted in Silicon Valley or New York City either. States like Arkansas, whose governor pledged $500,000 to a computer science stipend program for K-8 teachers, and Florida, whose new budget recommends a one-time investment of $15 million in computer science programs for schools, are heavy hitters in the movement. In fact, Governors in Alabama, Indiana, Montana and Pennsylvania are joining a coalition called Governor’s Partnership for K-12 Computer Science. What does this mean? That there are are tutoring opportunities everywhere for tutors who can code.

The more students in America learning to code, the more supplemental support students nationwide are going to need from tutors. The age students are going to be introduced to computer science in schools however is mixed. While it is not yet mandatory across the board, where it is, such as schools in Oakland, California, it's 6th-9th graders learning to code.

Content credit: EdSurge News - Why Big Names and Big Money Are Backing Greater Access to Computer Science https://www.edsurge.com/news/2017-12-04-why-big-names-and-big-money-are-backing-greater-access-to-computer-science

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