• 08 September 2024
For Students With Disabilities, Quality Of Education Can Depend On ZIP Code

For Students With Disabilities, Quality Of Education Can Depend On ZIP Code

Dec 10, 2017

A new investigative article buy the Huffington Post finds that not all students with disabilities are getting the education the government guarantees them.

In 1975, the Individuals With Disabilities Education Act ( IDEA) ― originally called the Education for All Handicapped Children’s Act ― put into law all students with disabilities’ right to an appropriate public education. However, today parents of students with disabilities (at an all time high) are finding that they are still at odds with schools in terms of the best ways to educate their children. This is leading to a significant amount of tension between parents of students with disabilities and school administrations all over the country.

The root of the problem, The Huffington Post in partnership with The Hechinger Report finds, is that sometimes teachers lack the best training for dealing with a student’s specific disability. Other times, administrators have low expectations for what these students can achieve. In addition, IDEA mandates that students with disabilities should learn in the least restrictive environment ― meaning with non-disabled peers - however parents are finding that they have to lobby schools hard to get their students integrated into mainstream school activities and learning environments.

Parents in different zip codes are finding drastically different interpretations of IDEA and while there is no current policy being developed to combat this issue, the new way to solve for getting the best education for students with disabilities has been researching and moving to regions with strong track records of educational opportunities for disabled students.

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For Students With Disabilities, Quality Of Education Can Depend On ZIP Code https://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/students-disabilities-quality-education_us_5a2ac25be4b0a290f0503905