• 27 July 2024
Introducing Clark

Introducing Clark

Mar 01, 2017

Today Clark is live! The Clark App and Tutor Profiles are now available to the public, and I couldn’t be more excited about what this means for the independent education community.

Clark is a virtual assistant for tutors. I co-founded Clark with Sam Gimbel, and together we are starting a tutoring revolution.

Our team has been hard at work building Clark into something that is unlike anything you have seen in the tutoring industry before, putting the power of a full tutoring business in the hands of every independent educator.

With the DeVos confirmation, uncertainty around the public school system is more pervasive than ever and the need to incentivize educators to stay in the classroom is mounting. Clark, the first data-driven platform to manage tutoring relationships, is not only revolutionizing traditional tutor management but also providing a frictionless solution for all teachers in America to dabble in tutoring, a side hustle that helps make ends meet.

The idea for Clark started by watching my mom, a public school teacher and tutor, work to scale her tutoring business. The goal was simple: find a way to work more so she could earn more. The problem, however, was more tutoring sessions meant more administrative work, and eventually, time became the barrier to increasing her earnings.

The average tutor spends about 20% of their time working unpaid administrative hours. The goal of Clark? Eliminate that time, to allow educators to work more billable hours and thus, make more money.

The political climate has changed a lot since we conceived this idea. Since then, the homeschooling market has almost doubled, teacher retention in the classroom has decreased by 30%, and parental demand for tutoring has increased. Market forces indicate that our kids need independent educators now more than ever. The question is, how do we supercharge tutors to meet this demand and recruit new members to the tutoring community? The answer is Clark.

We built Clark to give independent educators superpowers.

The hundreds of alpha testers who helped us refine the product, coupled with the thousands of educators now on our waitlist, prove that the tutoring market is huge, and there are a serious lack of tools to address it.

I grew up in my mom’s classroom and watched the true magic that happens when students progress because of a teacher’s impact. That’s why Clark not only allows tutors to build a business but allows parents to track student progress outside of the classroom. Starting today, here is what you can do in the Clark App as a tutor:

  • Build a Clark Profile showcasing your talents

  • Receive real-time payments and invoicing for all of your sessions

  • Automate scheduling with your full client base

  • Outsource rescheduling and other logistical, time-consuming activities

  • Streamline your updates to parents on student progress

There’s a lot more to come from Clark in the near future, especially in the features we offer parents and tutoring networks. This is only the beginning.

Building the Clark team has been just as exciting as building the Clark product. A wise man once said “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Do you know why?”

“Because it’s the only thing that ever has,” replied another.

We are here to start a tutoring revolution. Join us.

-Megan, Clark CEO & Co-Founder

About The Author

Megan O'Connor

Megan O'Connor