• 14 February 2025
It Takes a Village: School Model Employs ‘Community-based learning’

It Takes a Village: School Model Employs ‘Community-based learning’

Dec 13, 2017

New ‘community schools’ are challenging old ways of addressing the social and economic factors facing vulnerable students – with some promising results.

Hundreds of schools in poorer communities are adopting a “community school” model and reaching out to the broader community in an effort to bring “real-world learning and community problem solving” into student learning.

“Community-based learning” ties student learning and physical and mental wellbeing back to their communities. While community schools vary school to school, researchers point to common features across all of them: they use disaggregated data and community-centered relationships outside of the school to tailor learning to students’ needs and backgrounds. Advocates say the new approach encourages a shared responsibility for students’ success.

The results look promising: at Oakland International High School, a community school where 25% of students recently came to the U.S. as unaccompanied minors, 51% of the Class of 2014-15 passed California’s college admission courses – compared to 24% of English learners district-wide and 46% of students overall in the Oakland Unified School District.

Tutors might consider how they can incorporate project- and problem-based learning to assist students from low-income or marginalized backgrounds.

banner image from https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/answer-sheet/wp/2017/12/13/betsy-devos-may-not-recognize-it-but-these-public-schools-work/?utm_term=.c1dccfa5b99a

Betsy DeVos may not recognize it, but these public schools work https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/answer-sheet/wp/2017/12/13/betsy-devos-may-not-recognize-it-but-these-public-schools-work/?utm_term=.c1dccfa5b99a

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