• 08 September 2024
Managing Mental Health

Managing Mental Health

Dec 18, 2017

The holidays can be a difficult time for adults and children struggling with mental health issues: tutors are on the frontlines and should be ready to help—and remember their own health, too.

Depression affects about 6.7% of American adults; anxiety, 3.1%. And teachers aren’t immune to either.

Teaching has its perks: motivated students, happy parents, watching one grow as an educator. But its downsides are all too familiar—long hours that stretch well beyond the 9-5 work life, resistant students, demanding parents.

Amid it all, it’s important that educators put time and effort into self-care, and watch for trouble signs in their students, too. As personal educators, tutors are well-placed to identify warning signs in students and guide them through the stresses of life at school and home. In some instances, tutors might be a first point of contact for students in distress.

Community is an important resource for tutors as well as students: reaching out to others can provide a safety net when life and work throw challenges our way.

Above all, there is always help. Know your resources. Don’t be afraid to act.

banner image from https://www.weareteachers.com/teacher-depression-anxiety/

‘Tis the Season (for Sadness) http://www.thenerdyteacher.com/2017/12/tis-season-for-sadness.html

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