• 27 July 2024
Tech for Tutors: Using a Virtual Whiteboard

Tech for Tutors: Using a Virtual Whiteboard

Feb 01, 2018

Virtual whiteboards give the online tutor a handy tool to interact with students and content remotely and creatively.

Most tutors are familiar with working with students in person, but online tutoring is becoming a booming business.

For tutors looking to expand their business into the digital arena, online tutoring has its pros and cons, and can also be used to supplement current lessons by providing access to your services for students on the go or living too far away for regular in-person sessions.

You’re not limited to just Skype or Google Hangout sessions (though those are very useful for your online business). A virtual whiteboard is a practical, must-have tool for any online tutoring toolkit.

Virtual whiteboards (like TutorsBox, Baiboard, or Scribblar) empower tutors to:

  • share a whiteboard canvas in real time with your student via your respective computers/tablets;
  • upload documents like test prep questions or presentation slides, and draw on the screen freely as you would on paper;
  • save past work so your student can review the material later, and to store it for future lessons; and
  • teach multiple students simultaneously, which is especially handy when your lesson content is not strictly student-specific.

There are a variety of available virtual whiteboards, some of which cost money to unlock advanced features or for unlimited use. Models can either be web-based or via an app, offering tutors a range of features depending on your business’s and students’ needs.

The drawbacks of a virtual whiteboard are no different than with online tutoring generally: the need for reliable, high-speed internet, for both student and tutor, and access to the required technology, including any apps.

But for the digitally savvy tutor, the virtual whiteboard is the perfect complement to those Skype/Google Hangout sessions, as well as a brain trust for your lesson plans and educational material.

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