• 27 July 2024
The Earlier, the Better: States Eye Expansion of Early Education

The Earlier, the Better: States Eye Expansion of Early Education

Dec 20, 2017

More states are following the research: engaging young learners pays off in the long run. Will smart tutors follow suit and jump into an emerging market?

A Detroit primary school is trialling a three-year reading program ahead of new state requirements that will force Michigan schools to hold back underperforming readers.

Beginning in January 2018, the reading program at Munger Elementary-Middle School is partnering with 80 volunteers and non-profit Brilliant Detroit to deliver hundreds of books to area families and personalized in-school tutoring for struggling students and students with disabilities.

“We will identify certain families and students from preschool to third grade and they’ll work with individual tutors who come into the school every day," says Munger Principal Donnell Burroughs.

Tutors in the Detroit program will work with groups of up to three students for 40 minutes a day.

Similar early education initiatives across the country have delivered promising results for young students and point to an emerging market trend for tutoring services.

banner image from https://edsource.org/2017/early-intervention-helps-boost-reading-skills-for-young-children-most-at-risk-of-falling-behind/591669

How to Make a Good Reader Combine In-School Tutoring with Hundreds of Books for Toddlers and Babies https://ny.chalkbeat.org/posts/detroit/2017/12/19/how-to-make-a-good-reader-combine-in-school-tutoring-with-hundreds-of-books-for-toddlers-and-babies/

Early Intervention Helps Boost Reading Skills for Young Children Most at Risk of Falling Behind https://edsource.org/2017/early-intervention-helps-boost-reading-skills-for-young-children-most-at-risk-of-falling-behind/591669

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